Thursday, May 14, 2015

Megan Winters

Megan Winters is one of the attendance secretary's at Olathe Northwest that will greet you when you come to school late. She has been giving passes to students for the past year but she has been at Olathe Northwest for 5 years. Before working attendence she was a para for the special education students, and before that, a preschool teacher.

"I loved those students. But I wanted to get to know the rest of the school better so when the job (Attendance Secretary) opened up I took it," Winters said.

Winters stresses that although the job is fun, it is also takes a a lot work.

"It takes a whole lot of multitasking all the time! And I must always have a high energy level which I do run out of sometimes. But you have to really like the students to enjoy this job, and I do, the students are great," Winters said.

All jobs have there ups and downs, for Winters, its the students that worry her sometimes.

"My least favorite part of the job I think is the disciplinary aspect of it. I also worry for some students, the ones that are constantly late," Winters said.

Winters favorite part of being an attendance secertary so far this year are her coworkers and student aides. But without the students at ONW her job wouldn't be possible. And its the students that ultimately make her love her job. Winters looks forward to the future as the attendance secretary at Olathe Northwest.

"I don't have any plans so far for leaving and I think I'll be here for a while. My daughter will be here next year so that should be fun," Winters said.

"I just love the atmosphere that Olathe Northwest creates with its students and staff. Oh, and its close to home!" Winters said.

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